Ключевые слова:
mineral wool, cocovite, riding peat, zeolite, lignin, sand, gravel, vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, birch bark, cotton waste, biostack, biohumus, substrate, cellulose, sweet potato,Аннотация
The article analyzes worldwide research works in the field of growing plants in various substrates, such as mineral wool, cocovite, peat, zeolite, lignin, sand, gravel, vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, birch bark and others. Analyzing the work done, a substrate is recommended for growing seedlings from the waste of the cotton cleaning industry, which consists of an organic substance - cellulose. For the effective disposal and use of waste in agriculture, a technology for recycling and their use has been created. On the basis of pressed glasses and with the use of vermicompost, different types of plants are grown. This article describes the work done related to the cultivation of sweet potatoes.
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