crops, harvest, mash bean, mung bean, climate, technology, condition, Karakalpakstan, variety, temperature.Abstract
Mash bean is superior to other leguminous crops, such as beans, chickpeas, and green peas, due to its content of protein and vitamins, its nutritional value, and its quick cooking time. Therefore, the article presents the investigation of growing mash bean in the condition of Karakalpakstan. Mash bean is grown as a main and repeated crop in all regions of the republic. This crop is the best predecessor for all crops in the rotation system. If the seeds of soybeans, chickpeas, buckwheat, and lentils are not treated with inoculants before sowing, biological nitrogen will not be formed in their roots. Due to the fact that mash bean with the help of new technology has already been planted in all the soils of the republic, nodule bacteria that accumulate biological nitrogen naturally form in the soil and, depending on the thickness of the seedling, it accumulates an average of 80-120 kg of nitrogen per hectare. - is expanding to the year.
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