Talimarjon reservoir, Spring, Zooplankton organisms, Ecological processes, Economic activities, Variability, Analysis.Abstract
The article studies the characteristics of zooplankton organisms of water reservoirs, their changes and development in the spring period. In spring conditions, the number of plankton organisms, which are interpreted as zooplankton organisms, increases significantly in water reservoirs, and their development directly depends on the temperature and water temperature regime. When the water temperature is high and the amount of oxygen expands, the development and reproduction of zooplankton organisms accelerates. The article mentions the names and characteristics of the main species of zooplankton characteristic of reservoirs during the spring. Among these species, such species as monogonid nematode, RoUéta, Daphnia are of great importance. As a result, the development and reproduction of zooplankton organisms is established by keeping the water temperature at a high level and providing oxygen in the spring period.
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