
  • Toreev Fozilbek Hurullayevich Tashkent State Agrarian University (TSAU)
  • Urazov Bakhriddin Omonovich The Uzbek scientific-research institute of cotton breeding, seed production and agro-technologies (Uz.SRICBSPA).


fiber productivity, wilt, bacterial blight diseases of cotton, fiber quality, simple and complicate hybrids, fiber length, cotton line, micronier.


On the base of fiber index analysis it was identified that the fiber qualities of simple hybrid lines Т-150, Т-195 together with complicated hybrid lines Т-212, Т-215 of Ғ5 generation and simple hybrid lines Т-3, Т-31 together with complicated lines Т-46, Т-50 of Ғ8 generation in comparison to other simple, complicate hybrids and standard variety meet the world standard requirements.        


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How to Cite

Toreev, F. ., & Urazov , B. . (2023). FIBER QUALITY INDEXES OF NEWLY DEVELOPED COTTON LINES. Journal of Agriculture & Horticulture, 3(6), 60–65. Retrieved from