
  • N. Boboeva Termiz State University
  • S. Negmatova Cotton Breeding, Seed Production and Agrotechnologies Research Institute *E-



The article describes the effect of agrotechnical measures - seedling thickness and thinning methods on cotton yield and economic efficiency in the care of thin-fiber cotton varieties in farms specializing in cotton growing in the southern region of the Republic of Surkhondarya. When cotton is maintained at an optimal seedling thickness (120-130 thousand bushels) and chemical topping is carried out with the help of Entojean, the yield is 35.0 tons higher than that of the thin-fiber "Surkhan-103" variety, and an additional cotton yield of up to 4.5 tons is obtained and 3208200 per hectare. It has been scientifically proven that additional income of soums will be obtained and the profitability level will be up to 90.1%.


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How to Cite

Boboeva, N., & Negmatova, S. (2023). EFFICIENCY OF COTTON CULTIVATION AT DIFFERENT PLANT THICKNESS AND TOPPING METHODS. Journal of Agriculture & Horticulture, 3(5), 116–121. Retrieved from https://internationalbulletins.com/intjour/index.php/jah/article/view/721