
  • Sokhibova Nigora Sadritdinovna Tashkent state agrarian university
  • Valiev Sayfiddin Tojiddinovich Dr.Agr.Sci., senior researcher, Deputy director for scientific affairs at Sericulture research institute


productivity, water, evoparation, mulberry leaf, yield, nutritious, intensive, scheme, cocoon, mulberry plantations, shoots.


This article analyzes the data on the dynamics of water evaporation from mulberry leaves in the experiments conducted on intensive mulberry plantations planted in 1.4x0.5m, 1.2x0.22m, 09x09m schemes. Also, the effective use of land and the efficiency of using new schemes in the establishment of new mulberry plantations are presented.


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How to Cite

Sokhibova, N. ., & Valiev , S. (2023). WATER RETENTION CAPACITY OF THE LEAVES OF MULBERRY PLANTED IN DIFFERENT SCHEMES BY INTENSIVE METHOD. Journal of Agriculture & Horticulture, 3(4), 64–72. Retrieved from https://internationalbulletins.com/intjour/index.php/jah/article/view/552