
  • Kholmamatov Jamshid Jumakulovich Fruit and vegetable growing, viticulture, assistant of the department of greenhouse economy.
  • Hazratkulova Mahbuba Jorayeva Fruit and vegetable growing, viticulture, assistant of the department of greenhouse economy.
  • G'ofurova Mashhura Saydullo qizi Fruit and vegetable growing, viticulture, assistant of the department of greenhouse economy
  • Xushboqova Marjona Sobirjon qizi Fruit and vegetable growing, viticulture, assistant of the department of greenhouse economy


Sweet pepper, unheated greenhouse, planting dates, variety samples,


This article provides recommendations on the state of cultivation of sweet pepper around the world, biological characteristics of the variety grown in unheated greenhouses, optimal terms for planting seedlings, early spring air, soil temperature and relative humidity of greenhouses


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How to Cite

Kholmamatov , J. ., Hazratkulova , M. ., G'ofurova , M. ., & Xushboqova , M. . (2022). PLANTING PERIODS OF SWEET PEPPER VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS IN PROTECTED AREAS. Journal of Agriculture & Horticulture, 2(12), 21–26. Retrieved from