
  • Jalilov Abdukarimjon Abdukhalimovich Researcher
  • Aminov Shermukhammad Kambarlievich Researcher, Director of the Andijan Experimental Station of the Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potato
  • Kamilov Murodjon Mukumjonovich Researcher, Deputy Director of the Andijan Experimental Station of the Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potato
  • Mirzasoliyev Mirzaosim Mirzasoyipovich PhD, Head of Laboratory of the Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potato




This article examines the new onion variety's morphological and breeding characteristics "Kizil Shakhzoda". A comprehensive analysis of stem, leaf, and root system parameters was conducted to identify the features of the variety and its agronomic value. The study included measurements of stem length and diameter, an analysis of anthocyanin pigmentation in various plant parts, and an examination of the leaf structure and root system. It was found that the "Kizil Shakhzoda" variety has a vertical growth type, medium-length internodes, and moderate anthocyanin pigmentation of the stem. The leaves have a kidney-shaped form, light anthocyanin coloration, and a moderately green primary color. The root system is characterized by an elongated shape, medium-thickness pericarp, and a white primary skin color. The flesh of the bulb has a violet main color with a red-violet secondary hue. The obtained results can be used for further breeding work aimed at improving the qualitative characteristics of onions, as well as for optimizing cultivation technologies. The study confirms the value of the "Kizil Shakhzoda" variety as a high-yielding plant with resistance to environmental factors and good adaptive capabilities.


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How to Cite

Jalilov , A., Aminov, S. ., Kamilov , M. ., & Mirzasoliyev, M. (2025). MORPHOLOGICAL AND ADAPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NEW ONION VARIETY "KIZIL SHAKHZODA". Journal of Agriculture & Horticulture, 5(1), 84–87. Retrieved from