
  • Baxtiyor Sadullayevich Yaxyayev Head of the Department of Feeding and Keeping of the Research Institute of Karakul Sheep Breeding and Desert Ecology, PhD, Associate Professor
  • Zulfiya Baxtiyarovna Suyunova Assistant Department of Genetics, Breeding and Animal Feeding Technology, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology, PhD


breeding ram, feed, probiotic, premix, meat-bone meal, feed digestibility, infusoria, sperm quality.


The main technological process in sheep breeding during feeding and keeping breeding rams used for artificial insemination is the preparation of rams in the pre-mating period, which is 1.5-2.0 months before the artificial insemination of sheep. In this regard, the physiological state and sexual activity of breeding rams depend on the level of feeding. The study used a complex feed additive containing the probiotic "Baktovit", Premix "Novamix" and meat-bone meal. The results showed a positive effect of this supplement on the digestion processes and sperm quality of breeding rams of the Karakul breed. In the experimental group of rams, where the complex feed additive was used, the number of infusoria in 1 ml of rumen fluid was higher than in the control, both before and after feeding by 29.3 thousand or 5.11% (P˂0.05) and 126.7 thousand or 19.25% (P˂0.01), respectively. This contributed to an increase in the coefficient of digestibility of organic matter by 2.48% (P˂0.05). Microscopic studies of ram sperm showed that the average volume of ejaculate and the concentration of sperm in 1 ml of sperm in the experimental group exceeded the control by 0.22 ml or 19.85% and 0.46 billion / ml or 17.5% (P˂0.01), respectively; the resistance index was higher by 4.11 thousand or 12.5% ​​(P˂0.01), the respiration of the sex cells was more intense by 1.66 minutes.


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How to Cite

Yaxyayev, B. ., & Suyunova , Z. . (2024). EFFECT OF FEED ADDITIVES BASED ON MEAT-BONE MEAL AND PROBIOTIC ON RUMEN DIGESTION PROCESSES AND SPERM QUALITY OF BREEDING RAMS. Journal of Agriculture & Horticulture, 4(10), 43–51. Retrieved from https://internationalbulletins.com/intjour/index.php/jah/article/view/1665