winter wheat, weeds, monocots, herbicide, wheat field, productivity.Abstract
In this article, opinions are expressed on the fact that when weeds are grown in the winter wheat field without elimination, weed shading, absorbing part of water and nutrients, and negatively affecting the structure of the crop can be significant. As a result of applying Puma super (1 l/ha) against spike weeds and Granstar (15 g/ha) against dicotyledonous weeds, the winter wheat variety Kroshka has a long spike, spikes in the spikes, and the number of grains in the spike and spike from one spike. increase in grain yield, this condition is more effective when the herbicides Puma super (1 l/ha) against weeds with spikes and Granstar (15 g/ha) against dicotyledonous weeds are mixed together and sprayed with a solution, the grain structure is significantly improved.
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