
  • Fayzieva Mushtari Trainee teacher at Termez State University
  • Fayziev Khabibullo Student at Termez Engineering and Technology Institute


students, competence, competency, interdisciplinary integration, integrative-differential approach.


This article discusses the formation of competence of students in the educational system and its essence, the role and importance of basic competencies in their preparation for educational activities, the formation of skills and qualifications, and the mechanism for the development of their competence. based on pedagogical and technical knowledge, and also highlights issues such as the integrative-differential approach.


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How to Cite

Fayzieva , M., & Fayziev , K. (2024). THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE BASED ON THE CLUSTER APPROACH. Journal of Agriculture & Horticulture, 4(3), 5–8. Retrieved from