
  • Panji Tojiyev Termez State University Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Hayit Turaev Termez State University Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, TerSU
  • Gayrat Nuraliev doctoral student Termez State University
  • Abdulakhat Jalilov Doctor of chemical sciences, prof., academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent Chemical Technology Research Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Ключевые слова:

friendly, affordable, inexpensive


The demand for polymer composite materials is growing annually in the world due to the high growth rates of population and industrial production. At the same time, high demands are placed on polymer composite materials in the automotive industry and
construction. However, the low resistance to combustion inherent in polymers of composite materials based on polyethylene significantly limits their scope. [1,2].

Библиографические ссылки

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Dusanov R.Kh., Tozhiev P.Zh., Turaev Kh.Kh., Jalilov A.T. Structure and properties of polyamide-6 filled with vermiculite Universum: chemistry and biology: electronic scientific journal. -2020.-№10(76). pp. 54-57 (in Russian)

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Tojiev P.J., Normurodov B.A., Turaev Kh.Kh., Nurkulov F.N. *, Jalilov A.T. * Study of the physical and mechanical properties of highly filled polyethylene compositions // UNIVERSUM: Chemical technology: electronic scientific journal 2018 No. 2 (47). (in Russian)

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B.A. Normurodov, P.J. Tojiev, Kh.Kh. Turaev, A.T. Djalilov Synthesis and IR-spectroscopic study of sulfur-containing oligomer// UNIVERSUM: Chemistry and Biology: electronic scientific journal 2018 No. 2 (44). (in Russian)

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Как цитировать

Tojiyev , P. ., Turaev , H. ., Nuraliev , G. ., & Jalilov , A. . (2022). ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY OF MODIFIED POLYMERS. International Bulletin of Engineering and Technology, 2(10), 66–69. извлечено от