
  • Maryam Bekmuratova Public health in the name of Khujayli Abu Ali ibn Sina technical school teachers of special subjects
  • Saodat Kulimbetova Public health in the name of Khujayli Abu Ali ibn Sina technical school teachers of special subjects
  • Nasiba Dostonova Public health in the name of Khujayli Abu Ali ibn Sina technical school teachers of special subjects
  • Mnaykhan Bakhiyeva Public health in the name of Khujayli Abu Ali ibn Sina technical school teachers of special subjects
  • Nodira Djumaniyazova Public health in the name of Khujayli Abu Ali ibn Sina technical school teachers of special subjects

Ключевые слова:

nursing care, intestinal problems, gastrointestinal disorders, patient-centered care, assessment, intervention, education, collaboration.


This article explores the important role of nursing care in supporting individuals with bowel problems. From assessment and monitoring to medication administration and wound care, nurses play a critical role in providing comprehensive care and support. Understanding the importance of nursing care in the management of bowel problems can help improve the patient experience and improve their overall well-being.

Библиографические ссылки

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Gapparov, A. (2023). DIACHRONIC ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-POLITICAL VOCABULARY. Евразийский журнал академических исследований, 3(4 Part 3), 140-147

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Как цитировать

Bekmuratova, M. ., Kulimbetova , S. ., Dostonova, N. ., Bakhiyeva, M. ., & Djumaniyazova , N. . (2023). NURSING CARE OF PATIENTS WITH GASTROINTESTINAL PROBLEMS. International Bulletin of Engineering and Technology, 3(6), 263–265. извлечено от