
  • Ilkhomjon Tojiboyev Doctoral student of Namangan state university
  • A. I. Ziyayev Based on the review of Professor doctor of philological sciences

Ключевые слова:

linguistics, comparative linguistics, beauty, ugliness, concept, linguocultural, lexical unit, lexeme, translation, morphological category, word groupscientific translation, literary translation, style, talent of translator.


This study is devoted to the problem of comparative analysis of subjective-evaluative, associative and cognitive-metaphorical meanings in the Uzbek and English languages combined with the linguistic-cognitive understanding of the concept of "beauty/ugliness" in the minds of speakers. The article analyzes the use of the concept of linguistic culture in Uzbek and English culture, in particular, the lexical-semantic expressions of the concept of "beauty/ugliness" in Uzbek and English languages. In the lexical-semantic research of the concept of "beauty/ugliness", the origin of the total lexemes collected around the concept in
the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek Language", the study of lexical meaning data, their context Uzbek and devoted to the study of appropriate forms in English

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Tojiboyev , I. ., & Ziyayev, A. I. (2022). VERBALIZATION OF THE CONCEPT "BEAUTY / UGLINESS" IN UZBEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. International Bulletin of Engineering and Technology, 2(10), 7–11. извлечено от