Ключевые слова:
energy efficient; low energy need; Ultra low energy need;zero energy need; plus energy need; passive building; healthy; smart, intellectual,high-tech; energy neutral buildings.Аннотация
This scientific application includes energy efficient buildings, low energy need buildings, Ultra low energy need buildings, zero energy need buildings,plus energy or asset houses, passive buildings, healthy buildings,energy neutral buildings, intelligent, intellectual, brief information is given about high-tech buildings and other buildings,about the signs characteristic of them,about their various possibilities and certain features,about the growing types of construction of buildings of a new generation that effectively use energy in general, and about the prospects for their use in the conditions of Uzbekistan.
Библиографические ссылки
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M.M.Miralimov,G.A. Khakimov.G.A.,A.A.Muminov,Z.S.Tulyaganov. Energy efficiency of enclosing structure in temperature modes.International Journal of Mechanical Engineering.ISSN:0974-5823, Vol.7 №.1 Januare,2022.
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