Ключевые слова:
Linter machine, agitator , cotton processing, working chamber, lint separation , efficiency, design optimization, automation, textile industry, modernization, uniformity of mixing, energy consumption , cotton gin, productivity.Аннотация
This article discusses the issues of improving the design of the working chamber of the linter machine, with an emphasis on modernization and improving the efficiency of the agitator . The relevance of the study is due to the need to increase the productivity of linter machines and improve the quality of lint separation , which is an important factor in the textile industry. Analysis of existing designs and technologies of linter machines with a historical perspective. Identification of the main problems associated with the uneven distribution of seeds and lint in the working chamber. Development of proposals for improving the design of the agitator in order to increase the uniformity of mixing and reduce energy costs .
Библиографические ссылки
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