
  • Maxamatov Sanjar Erkin o'g'li Doctoral student of the Faculty of "Radio and Mobile Communication" of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi


The development of network technologies in recent years is now increasing interest in multi-purpose unmanned aerial vehicles yani drone per day. Let us give a brief overview of the application of drones in various fields.


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Matilde Santos, Victoria López, Franciso Morata (2010). “Intelligent Fuzzy Controller of a Quadrotor” 2010 IEEE Journal.

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How to Cite

Maxamatov , S. . (2023). TYPES OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES. International Bulletin of Engineering and Technology, 3(6), 184–187. Retrieved from https://internationalbulletins.com/intjour/index.php/ibet/article/view/825