
  • Shamamedova Zinnat Xayrulloyevna Scientific Researcher, Teacher of English Linguistics, Bukhara State University, Department of English Linguistics, Uzbekistan


detective, politics, modernism, radicals, Black Mask


Dashiell Hammet, known for his detective novels, not only shaped the noir genre, but also became an important voice of his time, reflecting social and political changes in the early twentieth-century United States. This paper examines how Hammet's political views and his literary techniques contributed to the development of modernism in American literature. The paper analyses the author's key works with a focus on their political background and critical attitude towards society. The links between Hammet's literary techniques and those of others with modernist trends such as fragmentation, subjectivity, and experimentation with form are also examined. The article emphasises how Hammet used the detective genre to explore complex issues of identity, power and morality, thereby making a significant contribution to the modernist tradition of American literature.


Карен Лейк, «HL Mencken», Литературная энциклопедия, дата обращения 23 Karen Leick, “H. L. Mencken,” The Literary Encyclopedia, accessed 23 September, 2007, .

Dashiell Hammett, Lost Stories, ed., Joe Gores (San Francisco: Vince Emery, 2005), 68-70.

Mark McGurl, “Making ‘Literature’ of It: Hammett and High Culture,” American Literary History 9, no. 4 (Winter 1997), 714; Stoddard Martin, California Writers (London: Macmillan, 1983), 125-26; Naremore, “Dashiell Hammett,” 67-68; Roger L. Pearson, “Gatsby: False Prophet of the American Dream,” The English Journal 59, no. 5 (May 1970), 641.

Dashiell Hammett, “In Defence of the Sex Story,” Writer’s Digest, June 1924, reprinted in Bruccoli and Layman, eds., Hardboiled Mystery Writers, 97.

Dashiell Hammett, “Poor Scotland Yard!” Saturday Review of Literature, 15 January 1927, reprinted in in Bruccoli and Layman, eds., Hardboiled Mystery Writers, 105.

Tilton, “The Pink Pinkerton Agent: Communist Themes in Dashiell Hammett’s ‘The Gutting of Coufingal.’”

Crime Stories and Other Writings, 193.

Dashiell Hammett, The Glass Key (New York: Vintage, 1989 [1931]), 69.

T. J. Jackson Lears, No Place of Grace: Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture, 1880-1920 (New York: Pantheon, 1981), 137.

Mark Schoening, “T. S. Eliot Meets Michael Gold: Modernism and Radicalism in Depression-Era American Literature,” Modernism/Modernity 3, no. 3 (1996), 63.

John P. Diggins, “The American Writer, Fascism and the Liberation of Italy,” American Quarterly 18, no. 4 (Winter 1966), 600.

Jeremiah P. Shalloo, “The Private Police of Pennsylvania,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political Science 146 (1929), 56.

Smith, Hard-Boiled, 25 (list of jobs), 58 (advertisements).

В.И. Ленин, Государство и рV. I. Lenin, The State and Revolution (1917), in Collected Works, vol. 25 (Moscow: International, 1964), 394.

Edward R. Tannenbaum, “The Goals of Italian Fascism,” The American Historical Review 74, no. 4 (April 1969), 1204.

Xayrulloyevna, S. Z. (2024). THE NOIR LEGACY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE. International Journal Of Literature And Languages, 4(05), 18-24.

Xayrulloyevna, S. Z. (2023). Development of the detective genre in American literature. International Journal Of Literature And Languages, 3(03), 24-33.

Kayumovna, B. M., & Xayrulloyevna, S. Z. Description of Historical Background and Socio-Economic Life in Theodore dreiser’s “The Financier”. Middle European Scientific Bulletin.




How to Cite

Shamamedova, Z. (2024). AMERICAN MODERNISM AND ITS INFLUENCE ON DASHIELL HAMMETT’S LITERAL ACTIVITY. International Bulletin of Engineering and Technology, 4(11), 92–97. Retrieved from