
  • Murotmusaev K.B. Oriental University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Department of ‘Pedagogy of Continuing Education’ Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
  • Kobilova M.A. Oriental University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Department ‘Pedagogy of Continuing Education’ Master of the Department, first year, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


emotional intelligence, children of senior preschool age, diagnostics of emotional intelligence development levels.


The article deals with the problem of emotional intelligence development in the senior preschool age. The authors analyse the results of the diagnostic research on revealing the peculiarities of emotional intelligence of senior preschool children. The paper presents criteria for assessing the level of development of emotional intelligence of senior preschool children; the description of these levels is given. The results of the study showed that most children have an average level of development of emotional intelligence, they have difficulties in perceiving and understanding emotional states. On the basis of the conducted research the tasks and directions of corrective-developmental work with children were formulated. Correctional classes including methods of fairy tale therapy, game therapy, art therapy, psychogymnastics were conducted with preschool children who were found to have a low and average level of emotional intelligence development. As a result of repeated diagnostics, positive dynamics in the development of emotional intelligence was revealed in children.


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How to Cite

Murotmusaev , K., & Kobilova , M. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF CHILDREN OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL AGE. International Bulletin of Engineering and Technology, 4(11), 54–59. Retrieved from