oil, deodorization process, computer model, complex system, liquid density, mass transfer, concentration variation, quasi-apparatusAbstract
The technological process of oil deodorization is considered the last process in the technological system of oil production. This process is carried out by driving liquids at high temperatures and under deep vacuum. The deodorization process is carried out in the industry in continuous methods. Calculation of the technological process carried out in these methods and its equipment is one of the complex issues awaiting solution. The authors have developed a computer model of the process of continuous deodorization of oil, and from this model, a method has been developed to accurately calculate it and to calculate the concentration of light volatile substances in the oil and gas phases during the process, and how much they pass from one phase to another over time. Based on the obtained results, it was possible to determine the optimal parameters of the oil deodorization process and it was proved that it was possible to determine the dimensions of the apparatus for its implementation.
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