
  • Khashimkhodjaeva Manzura


Block chain technology, digital dividend, digital infrastructure, vertical market segment, digital economy, digital transformation, digital economy scale, digital literacy, business, and business process.


The processes connected to the digital economy's contribution to the nation's socioeconomic development are examined in this article. An examination of the proportion of ICTs in Uzbekistan's economic sectors and industries, as well as some indicators of communication and informatization, was done. There have been developed scientific proposals with helpful recommendations for the development of the digital economy in Uzbekistan based on the opportunities and conditions that are currently in place. analyzed the outcomes of the pressing need for scientific research with the goal of lowering production costs, creating new modern professions that will create jobs, and improving production efficiency through the widespread use of digital technologies in different industries and economic sectors.


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How to Cite

Khashimkhodjaeva , M. (2023). PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY IN UZBEKISTAN. International Bulletin of Engineering and Technology, 3(11), 57–62. Retrieved from